Aug 2, 2024
UX: Not Just Design, But a Journey
You probably know that UX (User Experience) is crucial for any marketing strategy. But here's the kicker: UX isn't a one-time thing. It's an ongoing process that puts the customer at the heart of your strategy and bases commercial decisions on real customer data.
So, how do you nail UX? Let's dive into 10 strategies that can help you ace any UX project, whether you're doing it in-house or with an external consultant.
What is UX?
Is UX all about design and creating a delightful interface? Or is it more about planning and strategy? Actually, it's all that and more.
When people hear "UX," they often think of UI (User Interface) – everything you see, touch, and interact with on a screen. It's how a website looks or what you're tapping on your phone. Then there's CX (Customer Experience), which is about the loyalty you've built, the feelings people have doing business with you, and how easy it is for them.
UX sits in the middle of all this. It's understanding the CX you want to create and matching it with a UI that's effective. Brian Herron puts it perfectly: "UX is a way of making decisions based on real customer data. It's a mindset more than anything else."
What Does UX Deliver?
UX delivers digital assets that meet customer needs and business goals. Think of it as the sweet spot where digital assets, user needs, and business goals intersect.
Digital Assets: These include web pages or app interfaces developed from solid user research. Prototype and test them with user groups.
The User: Make life as easy as possible for the user. Pay attention to the voice of the customer, understand their wants, and involve them in the decision-making process.
Business Goals: Balance customer needs with business goals. While the user is central, you can't ignore business needs. Finding that balance is key.
When to Focus on UX?
You might need to focus on UX when launching a new product or undergoing a change.
For new products, companies often prioritize UX to stay ahead of competitors. Most understand the value of investing in UX early in the process.
During times of change, companies might panic as the market shifts or competitors surge ahead. UX consultants can help, but they might need to reimagine the entire approach, not just fix immediate problems.
10 Steps to an Effective UX Strategy
Identify the Problem: UX often starts with a problem like high customer complaints. Identify and address the problem clearly.
Have a Clearly Defined Goal: Set a clear goal to focus efforts. In digital marketing, this goal is usually to create better digital products that engage customers and drive sales.
Analyze Your Competitors: Study what competitors are doing. Compare customer journeys and set benchmarks to see where you stand.
Analyze the User Interface: A well-designed UI can deliver good UX. Evaluate the layout, intuitiveness, and ease of interaction through your customers' eyes.
Understand the Customer Experience: UX is more than just a nice UI. Think about the overall CX – how customers feel when they do business with you.
Create a Prototype: Prototyping is crucial. Create a rough version to test on users. Gather feedback to develop a user-centric product.
Run User Tests: Conduct unbiased user tests. Gather qualitative and quantitative data. Start with small tests and gradually move to larger groups.
Analyze the Data: Use the data from prototyping and testing to refine the final product. Collect both qualitative and quantitative feedback for a balanced view.
Deploy Artificial Intelligence: AI tools can help with various UX tasks, like creating interfaces and analyzing user data. However, human input is still vital.
Develop a UX Mindset: UX isn't a one-time fix. It's about developing a mindset focused on delivering a great customer experience through a clear UI and other digital assets.
By following these steps and collaborating with external experts when needed, you can integrate a UX mindset into your brand culture. This ensures that business decisions always keep the customer in mind.
Ready to bring your creative visions to life? Let's collaborate! Get in touch today to discuss your project and explore how we can turn your ideas into reality. Contact us now to get started!